CHIMÆRA.SITE is a collection of writing (prose, essay, + game) intended to build toward a larger picture around belief, and constructions of reality(s) on and offline. Rather than having a traditional intro, argument, and conclusion, this work is nonlinear, webbed, and ongoing. I invite you to explore and make connections in ways that feel natural for you.
Here are some ways you can navigate the project:
From any page within the writing, you can follow the hyperlinks like a choose-your-own-adventure book.
You will find four hyperlink colors:
PURPLE HYPERLINKS : take you to individual works within the writing (various essays, prose, etc).
GREEN HYPERLINKS : open a tab with the project lexicon (terms + definitions).
PINK HYPERLINKS : open a tab with the project annotated bibliography (citations + sources).
BLUE HYPERLINKS : open a tab to another site on the internet (artists’ websites, articles, etc).
The “chimæra.site” heading on the top left of the screen is also hyperlinked; it will always take you back to the homepage.
These are some alternate paths through the project:
collection page : here you can select any piece by clicking its cover image.
to be added: an interactive visual index (similar to a flow chart) showing the architecture of the web, and where the branches are.
to be added: a creative index or two, as options for non-traditional but still directed/linear approaches through the works.
Clicking a hashtag below will take you to a collection of the pieces with that tag.
You can also click the hashtags at the bottom of the written pieces to bring up those collections.